Are you stewing or doing?

I’ve had some bad Amazon reviews on my books.

I’ve also had the most incredible book reviews. The kind that left an impact with the buyer and truly touched my heart.

People have also copied my work.

Copycats have stolen my work.

But overall, most of my Amazon customers really love my books.

But a few have not.

I’m a people pleaser.

It used to make me sad when I worked hard on something and it wasn’t enjoyed by the buyer.

Maybe you’ve felt that way too at some point.

But it doesn’t bother me anymore.

I share this with you so that you don’t get hung up on this stuff.

Getting hung up on the negative is not productive.

A couple years ago I was once stewing about a near exact copy of my book listed on Amazon – and the creator actually had the balls to advertise their book right next to mine.

My best friend brought it to my attention that “it’s been 2 weeks now Michelle and you need to get over yourself.”

I can say that I did. Lesson learned.

That stuff no longer bothers me.

Did you know it take the same amount of energy to get hung up on the negative stuff as it does to focus on the positive?

Whatever negative you have going on right now… which we all do. I challenge you to focus on the positive.

I had an Amazon buyer write a nasty review for a notebook I published with a picture of chocolate covered strawberries on the cover. The customer was actually angry they received a paperback book instead of actual fresh strawberries. True story.

But if I were to stop and take the time to stew about this stuff… I wouldn’t be creating and publishing my next book. That next amazing one that makes all the difference!

Moral of the story…. when the negative stuff happens “stop stewing and start doing.”
Now go get to doing!

Your future customers and the pile of future book royalties just waiting to drop into your bank account will be so happy that you did.

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