KDP Book Publishing with Michelle
and the Royalty Makers Community!

  • Create high-quality print-on-demand books to sell on Amazon
  • Publish a hot-niche book every month
  • Live how-to instructions, step-by-step demonstrations and customized templates
  • Like-minded community of publishers focused on profitable publishing
  • Support for all levels of experience from new learners to seasoned publishers

“What I love most is having other people that you trust to be able to bounce ideas off and share what you are working on.”
– Kerie H.

What you get…

    • Live group Zoom meetings every week
    • Coaching with Michelle and the Royalty Makers expert coaching team on book creation, publishing, marketing and advertising 
    • New! Monthly niche workshops included
    • All the tech support you will ever need
    • Positive inspirational environment
    • Private Slack membership to post and ask questions anytime
    • Safely get input, ideas and feedback from like-minded Royalty Makers… priceless!

    Q&A live Zoom support sessions are each Tuesday & Friday (see schedule below)
    7:00am Pacific / 10:00am EST / 3:00pm UK 

    Only $297 includes 3 Months Membership, or $997 for 1-Year

    2025 – SPECIAL!

    Only $29/month

    Only $297 / year

    Limited Time Special! Join Today!

    So far I’ve sold 100,342 books on Amazon KDP

    I’ve mass-published over 1,000+ books, but that doesn’t work.

    What DOES work is creating high-quality niche books – those sell!

    I just love publishing so much! But I have soooo many ideas for books that I can’t create them all (I have six pages of notes!). So I decided to start giving book ideas away to my Royalty Makers Community.

    It’s a win-win-win. I get to keep publishing, you get my great ideas, we hang out, and we all create books together!

    Come publish with us!

    Publish Niche Books together with Michelle Brubaker and the Royalty Makers Community!

    We’ve actually been doing this for a while…

      Members have been having
      their best months in KDP sales ever!

      • Learn how to create new niche books
      • Make friends and have fun!
      • Be inspired to success!
      • Amazing tech support

      Give your business a BIG boost
      of FORWARD momentum!

      I love the people – how helpful they are,
      they share their skills and unique ideas!
      – Lin W.

      “I’ve made money with every book I published in the book club!”
      – Donna C.

      “I love the camaraderie and the ideas!”
      – Michelle L.

      “I love when I can attend, very practical and helpful”
      – Paul S.

      Zoom Sessions Schedule

      Q&A live Zoom support sessions are each Tuesday & Friday
      7:00am Pacific / 10:00am EST / 3:00pm UK 

      Monthly Zoom Session Schedule for Each Week of the Month:

      Week 1:

      • Tuesday: Q&A support, niche research, publishing planning, new member orientation
      • Friday: New Book Topic of the Month, demonstrations, wins, round table discussion, Q&A support

      Week 2:

      • Tuesday: Sourcing content and using AI to create one-of-a-kind content for your books
      • Friday: Interior book layout, design and development support

      Week 3:

      • Tuesday: Q&A, study hall
      • Friday: Book Cover Design Lab

      Week 4:

      • Tuesday: KDP Support, Marketing & Advertising
      • Friday: Repurposing

      Week 5: Extra study hall and Q&A on months with a 5th Tuesday or Friday

      (session schedule and topics subject to change)

      FAQ’s – Frequently Asked Questions:

      • Q: Why are there so many meeting times? A: People have busy schedules and need flexibility. That’s why we offer a wide range of meeting times, so you can choose the ones that fit best into your routine. 
      • Q: Do I have to attend all of the sessions? A: No, just jump in on any session that works for you. Most sessions are topic specific so you can get focused training and support.
      • Q: Are the Zooms recorded? A: Yes and no. Most of our meeting time with topics and demonstrations are recorded. Occasionally, when a member is sharing their personal publishing business, books or screenshares the recording will be off during a short period.
      • Q: Will we know the topics before we join? A: The topics are presented on the first meetings of each month to members only. Topics are mid-content level books such as; activity books, puzzle books, coloring books and more, but we’ve also created books in some truly amazing entirely new niches too.
      • Q: What is Slack? Does it cost to anything? A: Slack is a business messaging app. You can use it on your computer or on your mobile device to post and receive messages anytime. Our members love this because it eliminates the need for a distracting Facebook Group. There is no charge for members to use Slack. You will receive a Slack invitation after joining. All of our meeting content and instant messaging for our community is within Slack.

      Come publish together with the Royalty Makers Book Publishing Community!

      Only $297 includes 3 Months Membership, or $997 for 1-Year

      2025 – SPECIAL!

      Only $29/month

      Only $297 / year

      Limited Time Special! Join Today!

      Royalty Makers Book Publishing Club
      Michelle Brubaker

      Royalty Makers Book Publishing