Imagine this…

Your buyers have clicked that big yellow “buy now” button on Amazon to receive your book…

It arrives… they are holding it in their hot little hands.

They love your book!

They want more of your book!

One night, they are sitting in the recliner watching Wheel-of-Fortune on the flat screen tv. It goes to a commercial break and they pick up your activity book setting next to them on the end table…. And they see all of your other books they could order.

They pick up their mobile phone, scan your code or enter your ISBN number and voila you get another order!

That’s why I do this.

How many books have you sold?

Think about that number…

And that’s how many books you could be advertising on right now.

My advertisements have had over 22 million views on Amazon, but that cost me a lot of money.

Cross promoting your book, on the back on interior of your books is practically free!

Check out this video tutorial to see exactly how I do it…


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