Just Copy & Paste the Prompts!

Specifically Designed AI Prompts for BOHO Minimalist Coloring Books!

AI is an outstanding tool for creating images on the fly.

Just input specific word prompts to describe the images you want for your Boho Coloring Book, and it will quickly generate the illustrations you desire!

Grab these printable .pdf which includes 4 Boho prompts with examples, custom styled for DALL-E or Midjourney.

Just add your topic, then copy & paste!

Click the red button to add AI prompts to your course dashboard…

AI Prompt Sheet

AI Prompt Sheet

DALL-E & Midjourney
Prompt Sheets

Only $19

Only $19

Only $24

“The bonus prompt sheet for boho-style coloring books is super cool! I already use Dall-E, so following the prompts was easy for me. It includes tips on changing line weights and explains the difference between making images for kids and adults. Once you get it, it’s just rinse and repeat. It’s made creating cool coloring pages really fun and simple!”

Sandy S.

Only $19

Only $19

Only $24

“The bonus prompt sheet for boho-style coloring books is super cool! I already use Dall-E, so following the prompts was easy for me. It includes tips on changing line weights and explains the difference between making images for kids and adults. Once you get it, it’s just rinse and repeat. It’s made creating cool coloring pages really fun and simple!”

Sandy S.

Michelle Brubaker | © 2024